Nominated for favourite male and favourite album for the Best Stormtrooper hug black cat Star Wars shirt people’s choice awards if you have time you can vote hur. Lo scorso 24 agosto un terremoto ha portato via in pochi secondi tante vite e tutto ciò che stavano costruendo per questo rimango insilenzio con crocerossa e invito I miei amici federica pellegrini edoardo leo official e tiziano ferro a fare lo stesso. Special night for me at the arethafranklintribute with my brother titusoneilwwe and his waaaayyy better half the amazing yolandaadams thank you guys for letting me tag along with you and you re beautiful howard student what dc in the house daughter taylor bright things ahead for this young lady for sure also thanks to tyler perry tasiasword for taking time to say hello and david august inc for making look like a gd rockstar and last but not least aretha just aretha she s my generation so she s imbedded in my soul but if you re just to young from another country or whatever the reason may be that you somehow wouldn t be familiar with her music I m begging you to put aside all the crazy shit that s happening in our world and our country right now and turn on some aretha franklin I promise you won t regret it I m not even a religious person but aretha makes me wanna go to church riparethafranklin dreamchaser
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The special counsel did not find that the trump campaign or other americans colluded with russia this was a Best Stormtrooper hug black cat Star Wars shirt total hoax. The first lady to obama for america north carolina supporters in greensboro this week I just want you all to know that the grassroots work that you all are doing to get people focused and fired up that work is at the core of this campaign it is everything. I was definitely very inside this piece emotionally this is very personal evocative and sad it all sounds rather doomy now but it was quite a heavy time mick jagger in 1993 on wild horses featured on honk out april 19
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